Governing rules and regulation


A. Associate members (moral persons):
Associate members are defined as moral persons who participate in the activities of the association and who pay the annual membership fee. They include territories and associations, public educational institutions and other members.

Members enjoy the following advantages:
  • They have the right to vote at general meetings of the association.
  • They have the right to participate in working groups.
  • They have free access on the website to all the ADCET publications available in the section reserved for members: working documents, studies, minutes of meetings, ADCET emails and mailings.
  • They benefit from special privileges when participating in study trips and training seminars organized by the association.
  • Their names and logos appear in all the ADCET publications and at all events: Tect-info, press releases, exhibitions, brochures.
  • Their names and logos appear with a link on the ADCET website.
  • They can register up to two persons for free to attend ADCET meetings. (General meeting, conferences,...)
B. Honorary members :
These are natural persons who have rendered their services to the association and who have benefited the association with their professional knowledge or, more generally, their assistance. They are exempt from the payment of annual fees for 3 years, subject to renewal.


Honorary members are not required to pay the membership fee (unless they wish to do so).
Associate members must pay an annual fee. The amount is determined by the Board of Directors.

The amount of the fee for 2025 is: :

Company or organization with annual revenue, before taxes, of less than 2 million Euros:

1 500 €

Company or organization with annual revenue, before taxes, of more than 2 million Euros :

3 000 €

EPCI (Public Body of Intercommunity Cooperation) or Joint Syndicate with a population of more than 1 million:

1 500 €

EPCI or Joint Syndicate with a population of more than 100,000 :

1 000 €

EPCI with a population of less than 100,000:

700 €

Municipality with a population of more than 100,000:

700 €

Municipality with a population of less than 100,000:

500 €

Municipality with a population of less than 10,000:

200 €

Municipality which is a member of an EPCI:

200 €

University :

500 €

Région and Department:

1 500 €

Fees must be paid by a check made out to the association or by bank transfer.
All payments of association fees are final. Membership fees are non-refundable.

Admission of new members

The ADCET association may, at any time, accept new members upon the submission of a written application to the Chairman.
The admission of regular members shall be decided by the board.

Loss of membership (Exclusion)

Only cases of failure to pay the annual fee and serious reasons (non-respect of established rules, conduct detrimental to the interests of the association or willful misconduct) can result in an exclusion procedure.
This decision must be made by the board, by simple majority, and only after having heard the explanations of the member against whom the exclusion procedure was initiated. A person against whom an exclusion procedure has been initiated is entitled to assistance by an association member of his or her choice.
If a decision for exclusion is rendered, an appeal procedure can be lodged with the board by registered letter within 15 days from the date of receipt of the exclusion notification letter.


The resigning member must deliver a written resignation by registered letter, with acknowledgment of receipt, to the Chairman of the association.
The resigning member cannot claim a refund of the membership fee.